Sunday, January 27, 2008

Economic Stimulus Plan?

The current stimulus plan in just more ineffectual arm waving. Whether it is a rebate of $600, $1,200, or $5,000, the current debt problems, both institutional and personal, suggest the money has already been spent.

I believe the current economic stimulus plan being proposed is not any more than political window dressing in response to public clamor. The idea that putting $600-$1,200 in the hands of an already extremely indebted consumer to go out and purchase more would be ludicrous, if it were not so tragic. It perpetuates the idea that economic growth derived primarily from growing disposable consumption can be the basis of a healthy and sustainable economic system.The true values from which real wealth is created, which were esteemed ideals of founders of the United States are thrift, hard work, and reinvestment into productive assets.Anyone looking for a quick fix and easy solution to the country’s economic ills needs to sober up. Politicians and worn out economic theories will not provide the solution. If there is a long term fix it will not come in the form of tax cuts and rebates to stimulate spending. It will come from a public policy which focuses on rebuilding the productive and innovative capacities, and, consequently, the competitiveness of the nation. This means a public policy directed towards rebuilding infrastructure and a commitment to funding the development of more minds capable of ingenuity and innovation, namely cutting edge education. It also means a shift from a consumption based society driving economic growth to saving and investment driven economic growth model.The alternative, as we can now see happening, is a selling off of the assets of the United States and becoming a people subservient to the economic and political interests of other nations.