Tuesday, June 22, 2010

If Only One Investment Could Be Made

The following is a piece I contributed to the investment website Seeking Alpha:

One of the basic functions of money is as a store of value. If the viability of this function becomes impaired, it is important to consider where economic value will be best preserved, or even increased. When making investment decisions, the objective is, at a minimum, to preserve value, and if we choose wisely, to increase the real value of our net worth. Implicit in the idea of value is what preserves and increases our purchasing power Because of the privileged position the US dollar has held as the reserve currency of the world, the mystique of power and safety has become an assumed fact in the perception of most financial players. In my opinion, it would be an error of judgment to assume that the United States has been divinely exempted from the laws of economics, or that the US dollar has any value other than a faith based presumption of economic entitlement.

There is a growing awareness that a fundamental structural shift has occurred, or is in the process of occurring in the power arrangement of the global economy. Events of recent years should have served as a wakeup call that placing blind faith in institutions such as investment banks, banks, insurance companies and governments is likely to be hazardous to an investor’s financial health. One thing that should be abundantly clear is that financial imprudence at all levels of our society, and throughout the world, has became institutionalized into an acceptable form of conduct. Imprudent lending, and imprudent borrowing, has created a vicious destructive cycle of over-consumption and over-indebtedness. As with many extreme indulgences, when the party is over, we are left with a big hangover and a big cleanup job. Right now the United States in particular, and the world economy, in general, has one gigantic hangover, and a daunting clean up job.

With a trillion dollar plus budget deficit, the United States will need likely need to borrow over $70 billion per month from foreign sources in order to continue funding its operations. The question that must be asked now is: How willing and how able will these foreign funding sources be to continue loaning money to the United States to fund its budget deficit? Many of these countries are having a more difficult financial time themselves in the present financial turbulence. Many of these countries were, prior to this financial turbulence, considering reducing the amount of money being loaned to the United States. In addition, because of this financial crisis the credit worthiness of the United States has deteriorated, and there are alternative places where these countries can deploy their financial resources which may be more directly beneficial to themselves. The conclusion is inescapable that a potential funding crisis will be one of the major consequences of the current attempt to contain this financial crisis.

Governments of the world have made massive commitments toward maintaining financial and economic stability. On a global scale, trillion of dollars have been committed to financial and economic stabilization. Each time a government responds to a financial crisis in an industry, business, another sovereign county, or municipality, the financial hole gets deeper. Looking forward to what pending financial crises of global significance crises are likely to emerge, there is no shortage of candidates. On the front burner is the unfolding European financial meltdown. A prudent view would be to assume that as bad as it looks, it is likely to be much worse when one factors in the amplification effect of derivative positions likely held by systemically important institutions. On the back burners, waiting for their chance to emerge are the rapidly deteriorating conditions of the pension systems, the FDIC, as well as state and local municipalities.

The biggest player is the US Government itself. The trillion dollar plus budget deficit projected indefinitely into the future does not even take into consideration expensive contingencies, which seem to inevitably arise, such as natural and man-made disasters, wars, and other Black Swan events which will necessitate additional funding requirements. How will all the unfunded liabilities and current operating expenses be paid for? One might argue that incurring these expenses is necessary, but there are also consequences.

That there will be increasing insolvency, massive economic displacement, and economic restructuring is appearing to be more and more a given. We are at a global economic watershed point. A recent book, This Time Is Different, by two eminent economists, professors Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff, is based upon a compilation and analysis of data looking at government’s financial behavior over the past 800 years. Among their conclusions is a pattern which emerges as a constant. Governments overspend, over borrow, and then default. The two basic methods of default are an outright refusal to pay their debts, or an implicit default. In an implicit default the intent is to debase the currency with the objective of repaying existing indebtedness with a lower value currency, in effect, an attempt to inflate away the real value of a currency.

Given the current operating deficits, as well as future liabilities, the United States is on a trajectory that is financial unsustainable. Considering the position of the US dollar as the reserve currency of the world, the question of default must be addressed by an investor who considers that somehow events occurring in the world matter to the investing results achieved. In my view, an outright default by the United States of its debt is a probability so small as to be insignificant. On the other hand, an implicit default, where the United States attempts to inflate its way out of its financial hole is extremely likely, especially when there is no limit as to how much money the government can create.

If we assume, for purposes of discussion, that this is the direction in which economic history will move, it becomes useful to consider some of the implications of this scenario for asset deployment purposes. While there is a great deal of discussion regarding the demise of the US dollar, it is often followed by consideration of other currencies as a safe harbor refuge. This may be a false sense of security. One of the reasons for the US dollar's problem is the lack of monetary discipline because of the fiat nature of the currency, the same problem exists with other currencies. There appears to be an inherent instability with a fiat monetary system. Consequently, in my opinion, it is a mistake to believe that other currencies might be anything other than a temporary refuge.

It is the consequences that follow which will provide both the hazards, as well as the long term opportunities from an investment and financial planning perspective. It is exactly here that both the risks and the opportunities reside. In my estimation, the outcome of these circumstances will result in escalating interest rates, which is another version of credit availability reduction, and a damper on economic growth. This would be an unacceptable outcome for our government whose interests are critically tied to economic growth. The policy response will be an attempt to create vast amounts of money in order to effectively devalue debt, and consequently the dollar. Current economic policy discussion focuses on a debate as to whether we are looking at a deflationary or inflationary future. In my opinion, while I harbor the view that we will experience a severe hyperinflationary and stagnant economic future, I consider this to be somewhat of a secondary consideration. A more primary consideration, which is, and will continue to shape investor behavior, will be the economic uncertainty and dislocation which arises, whether it is inflationary or deflationary. This economic instability is already creating a greater shift in the view of what is perceived as a more desirable asset class to act a as reserve of reservoir of economic value.

Considering assets which might best retain or increase in value, it is clear that current market behavior suggests there is growing recognition that investors have starting voting with their feet. One investment areas which has highlighted these opportunities is precious metals, in particular gold. The evidence derived from reports of shortages of gold coins to the increase in bullion reserves by central banks such as China, India, Russia, and Saudi Arabia, make a compelling case that we are not witnessing merely a speculative thrust at a trading position, but rather a sustainable shift in perception of an asset that will withstand the rigors of the economic storms we are facing.

Aside from owning gold directly, there are now opportunities with exchange traded funds such as GLD, to take positions that very much mimic the economic characteristics expected of a currency. In my analysis, this provides a compelling reason to expect the demand for gold to continue to increase. It follows that if one expects the demand for gold to increase, the value of those entities which hold reserves of gold, as well as the productive capacity to bring it to market, can be expected to be beneficiaries of these circumstances. It is from that perspective that if I had to choose only one investment, I would select GDX, an ETF of gold miners as my investment of choice.

What Could Go Wrong

One thing I have learned from over twenty years of investment decision making, and corroborated during the experiences of my younger years working in research laboratories, is that no matter how well thought out and rational a position is, it does not necessarily mean that is what is. As a consequence, it is important to examine and identify where the potential risks lie in our expectations. The year 2008 gives provides us with a great opportunity to examine what happened to gold during that time of extreme financial duress.

Deleveraging caused massive indiscriminate selling pressure. Institutions were forced to raise capital to meet their regulatory requirements. At the same time the credit markets froze up, making capital very difficult to acquire. This made the situation even worse. Hedge funds are investments for institutions and very wealthy individuals. They operate by borrowing huge amounts of money using their invested positions of stocks, bonds, and the more esoteric derivative investments as collateral. Some of these funds borrow 30-40 times the amount of actual dollars directly invested in them by their investors. The lenders who provide this money to the hedge funds have lending requirements which require the hedge funds to come up with more money if the value of their investments drops too much. During the financial turmoil, the decline of the investments in these hedge funds forced the hedge fund managers to start selling their investments whether they considered them good investments or not. This amplified the overall selling pressure and made a bad situation even worse. It did not matter whether an investment had merit or not, it was going down, and gold did likewise. It is certainly possible for this to occur again. It should also be noted that GDX seems to trade more like a stock than GLD, hence one might expect higher volatility. One of the only assets which did well in 2008 in comparison was US Treasury debt, due to the perception of safety.

If we fast forward to the emerging European crisis of 2010 and examine market conditions, we can see growing investor perception recognizing gold as a safe harbor. Additionally, the gut reaction of flocking to the US dollar as a safe harbor seems to be becoming somewhat more muted. In my view, I see this as a growing trend that will greatly benefit GDX over time. By the same token, does this suggest to me that it would be appropriate to bet the family farm on this position? Absolutely not! Even if an investor sees merit in my analysis, each individual investor needs to evaluate his own risk tolerance and circumstances to arrive at an appropriate allocation to GDX even if it is the only investment position they are taking.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Financial Meltdown; Part Two?

How fast things can change; in either direction. I studiously try to avoid thinking in short term time frames. It usually leads to sub-optimal, emotionally driven decision making, rather than longer term strategicially driven decision making. Sometimes, however, near horizon events are compelling enough to warrant shorter term tactical changes of direction.

I do not see the global financial system being on the verge of a financial apocalypse, at the present time. Last year, at this time, presented a distinct possibilty that we were. Nonetheless, there are a number of very troubling signs on the near term horizon. One of these is an increasing probabilty of a sovereign debt crisis acting as a catalyst for global financial meltdown part two.

A number of countries and regions, such as China, Brazil and India, appear to be economically strong and gaining traction. In and of itself, this might lead one to believe in the underlying attractiveness of some portion of capital allocation to these regions. I concur in the the underlying premise of longer term opprtunity in theses regions. However, there are a number of factors which temper my longer term view of these opportunites, and their derivative considerations, to warrant shorter term tactical changes.

Among these considerations is the growing potential of sovereign debt crises acting as a catalyst for "Global Financial Meltdown, Part Two". The United States and the European region, in general, are seriously problematic. Several countries, in particular, are at the leading edge of a potential governmental solvency crisis. These are Greece, Spain, Italy, and England. S & P recently lowered the debt worthiness rating of the second largest economy in the world, Japan. Because of the growing deficit problem in our own country, and a Congress that may not be able too deal with it, even if the U.S. Congress were to be functional, it appears that the United States may not be too far behind with respect to a solvency crisis within the next five to ten years. This is but one of a number of signifcant factors which should prompt some additional strategic thinking away froma "full steam ahead", business as usual mentality.

As should be quite evident from our recent experiences of the 2007-2008 global financial meltdown, as people ruah for the exit, even assets which have strong underlying fundamental strength get painted with the same brush of value deterioration as panic sets in. Indeed, from a longer term perspective, these can be rare opportunities for the investor, assuming the emotional, pyschological, time, and financial abilities to withstand the ensuing trauma and economic dislocation.

In my opinion, a more prudent approach would be to err on the side of caution. After the financial market runups from March 2008, it appears to me unreasonable to expect, and improbable to achieve an immediate followup to this. The chances are that if we have really turned the corner with regard to a sustainable economic turnaround, there will be many years of compelling opportunties ahead. On the other hand, if reconsideration of the financial landscape leads one to believe in at least a reasonable prospect of financial meltdown, part two, it would be prudent to consider a more defensive portfolio allocation.

These are soome of hazards of the economic and investment landscape at the present time. It does nott consider unaccounted for contingencies, which seem to always arise in some form or other. It presents a set of risks, as well as a set of opportunities. In my opinion, the best way in which to deal with this environment is to maintain a vigilent and critical view of ongoing events. It is necessary to be responsive, while not over-reactive, as to how they may impact our longer term strategic outlook. It is important to keep in mind is that no one has a perfect crystal ball, and that because of institutionalized imprudence, there really is no safe harbor left. The most effective management will how well potential risks and rewards can be balanced in the midst of growing global economic dislocations and the financial restructuring resulting thereof.